Discussion on the route of Columbus
Discussion of route of Columbus as…
News story about Ed Link's paper
Draft of news story based on Ed Link's…
Translation of various Spanish words
A translation from Spanish to English of…
Manuscript about Columbus
A portion of manuscript about Columbus…
Description topographique, physique,…
Copy of description of Santa Domingo…
A topographical, physical, civil,…
Copy of description of Santa Domingo
Plow recovery operation
Describes locating a lost undersea cable…
Possible explanations of the formation…
Draft of ideas about the formation of…
Description of Perry Submarine's…
Describes Perry Submarine's…
Concept about the project SEALAB I
Gives information about SEALAB I
Preface of a report
Overview of the report of the Deep…
Man in the sea
Describes oceanographic research and…
The Link deep diving and decompression…
Press information about the dive at…
Florida 1657
Map of United States
430 foot dive with Sea Diver
Description for presentation about 430…
A new and accurate map of East and West…
Early map of Florida
Safe non-saturation diving capability to…
Review and forecast of the Harbor Branch…
Monthly project progress report for the…
Sweden coastal forecast and storm…
Includes radio weather aids
Prospectus on science direction for the…
Describes research to be conducted by…