430 foot dive with Sea Diver
Description for presentation about 430…
A decade with CEDAM in underwater…
A history of exploration by CEDAM
Archaeological find
Photograph taken at Port Royal
Artifacts on the ocean floor
Boston Sea Rover: Diver of the Year…
Awarded Ed Link as the Diver of the Year
Chamber on hoist
Photograph taken in the Bahamas
Chronological sequence - 430 foot…
Records chronology of the 430 foot dive
Come to the waters and drink
McDonald, T. H
Discusses problems of manned exploration…
Communication between a surface craft…
Harbor Branch announces development of…
Concept about the project SEALAB I
Gives information about SEALAB I
Coral formations
Ragged coral formations on the surface…
Crusted material under the water
Curios and artifacts from the floor of…
Display sign used at Roberson Center
Deep Diver
Deep Diver: The world's first…
Information about Deep Diver
Deep sea diving for fun
Link, M. C
Script for slide presentation
Description of a deep dive
Describes a deep dive by Marion Clayton…
Description of Perry Submarine's…
Describes Perry Submarine's…
Diagram of underwater research from…