General Medaris Speeches 1956-1959
November 15, 1956 to the Pilot Club of Huntsville, Alabama. Topics: Local and national quality of education; teachers' salaries; college preparedness of students; the sciences and mathematics in the school system
Circa December 28, 1956, Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA), Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. Topics: Missile Defense Program; Army Ballistic Missile Agency
June 19, 1957, Red Stone Arsenal, Alabama. Topics: Issues of the housing request for the Red Stone Arsenal project members (both civilian and military)
June 29, 1957, location unknown. Topics: Status of United States missile program
July 15, 1957, location unknown. Topics: (Speaking to future army officers) Fundamental traits and requirements of officers
May 10, 1958, location unknown. Topics: "This is Your Life" farewell party for Lt. Colonel Sheperd; Medaris recalls an experience with Sheperd
December 1, 1958, Atlanta, Georgia. Topics: Interview on Medaris' position on various military issues
March 5, 1959, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Topics: Present and future of US missile program; The Citadel's engineering program; military life; civilian life
March 31, 1959, Lansing, Michigan. Topics: New technologies and effect on economy; military accomplishments; Michigan's importance in military affairs; new rockets and missile defense systems; weapons race and moral obligations
April 8, 1959, West Lafayette, Indiana. Topics: U.S. missile defense program, space program, value of a national space program, Q&A
May 19, 1959, Cusseta, Georgia. Topics: U.S. missile defense program; Jupiter system; funding for missile program; comparison of Soviet missile prgram to U.S. missile program
October 14, 1959, Seattle, Washington. Topics: transportation industry; weapons systems; importance of transportation in relation to weapons systmes and society's development; Mercury program
October 29, 1959, Huntsville, Alabama. Topics: Space program; weapons systems; Cold War
December 9, 1959, Texas A&M College, College Station, Texas. Topics: Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) and educational standards
December 9, 1959, Texas A&M College, College Station, Texas. Topics: Co-existance of science and Christianity; future of American space program as well as its missile defense program