Mementos-undated-Page 3
This is a WWII military knife manufactured by Cattaraugus. This model, 225q, was designed for use by the US special forces. Housed in a leather scabbard. Both the knife and shabbard are engraved with, "Col. J.B. Medaris, Ord. Dept., U.S.A."
This is a Zippo lighter that was used my General Medaris while Commanding General of Missile Command. The colored symbol represents the Army Ordnance Missile command.
This is a U.S. Army Signal School emblem sealed inside a circular form of resin. The motto of the school (in Latin) is at the bottom of the emblem, "Pro Patria Vigilans," which translates in English to "Watchful for the Country."
This is a ceramic bell. It has the words, "That this world under God shall have a new birth of freedom," scribed along the bottom. It also has figures linked together by torches surrounding the bell.
Set of three City key charms: two for New Oreans, Louisiana and one for Charlotte, North Carolina. The New Orleans key charm has , "Krower N.O.L.A." stamped on the back and the Charlotte key charm has, "James S. Smith, Mayor, Krower" stamped on the back.